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Release Notes - 5th March 2025

New Features

Project documents and links

We've introduced a new Project Documents panel in the 3D viewer, making it easier to manage and view documents - removing the need to create a document dataset to add them into the project (this is now done for you under the hood). Supported file types, such as PDFs, can now be opened in a popout window directly inside the viewer. You can also add and remove files from existing document sets, as well as include links to external resources (URLs) that will appear in the file list. Additionally, project documents and links can now be associated with POIs, 3D model objects, and vectors, ensuring that relevant information is always accessible within the context of your data.

Coordinate Reference System Favorites

Admin users that have access to the company configuration page can now manage a list of predefined coordinate system "favorites". When users need to select a CRS, they will then be presented with the option to auto-fill from the list of company favorites. This will be particularly useful for creating predefined definitions for custom coordinate systems, WKT strings, or coordinate systems that are repeatedly used by your company.


Multiple SRS display

Projects can now display coordinates from multiple coordinate systems in the 3D viewer. To enable this, the additional Spatial Reference System (SRS) must be selected from the company’s favorites list. Note: Users can only choose SRS options that have already been added to this list, and you can only use this feature for projects that use the Advanced Datum Mode (since datum shifts may be required - if you don't currently have Advanced Datum Mode enabled for your account, please contact support). To set up a secondary display coordinate, go to the Metadata tab, click the Add button, and select the desired SRS from the available options.

The viewer will then display the additional coordinates in the coordinate display panel.


Pointerra3D Core


Portal UI


Bug Fixes