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How to upload and process photos into a point cloud and 3D model

Note: If you would like to trial or use our hosted Photogrammetry processing please contact support or sales.

  1. Go to the company admin page by clicking your company name in the top-right corner (1).
  2. Select the Datasets Manager (2).
  3. It is recommended to organize your datasets using folders.  Create a new folder for the project or purpose (3)
  4. For ContextCapture two datasets need to be created.  The first dataset is the set of photos that your 3D model will be created from and the second is the actual ContextCapture project
  5. To create\upload a Dataset click the "New dataset" button (4).

  6. The photos are stored as a separate dataset, so that multiple ContextCapture projects can be created from the same set of photos, if required.  All the photos in a Photo set must be captured using the same camera configuration.
    1. Choose the "Photo set" Type (1).
    2. Choose an appropriate name for the photos  (2).
      A description and date acquired may also be set but these are not required.
    3. Select the photos to upload by adding files or a folder (3).
    4. Click the "Create" button to start the upload (4).

  7. Create and run the ContextCapture project
    1. Choose the "ContextCapture" Type (1).
    2. Select the "Photo set" you uploaded in the above step,  as the Source data (2).
    3. The name will be automatically set based on the Photo set you chose but this can be edited to whatever best described the Dataset (3).
      Again, a description can also be added to capture extra details about the Dataset.
      There is no need to manually set the Date acquired as this will be updated based on the dates extracted from the photos.
    4. The "Photo down-sampling" option allows for a trade off between quality and processing time.  The first time you process a project (particularly for large photo sets) it may be useful to produce a down sampled version to review, 25% is generally a good choice (4).
    5. Choose the downloadable mesh formats you wish to create (5).
    6. Click the "Create" button to start the processing (6).
      Once the processing completes you will receive an email with a link to the view the point cloud and 3D mesh