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How do I create a proj4 string for a project grid?

The table below gives a list of the parameters that are used by to construct a proj4 string (see The PROJ projections page for full details). In most cases, you will only require a subset of these.

+aSemimajor radius of the ellipsoid axis
+axisAxis orientation
+bSemiminor radius of the ellipsoid axis
+ellpsEllipsoid name
+kScaling factor (deprecated)
+k_0Scaling factor
+lat_0Latitude of origin
+lon_0Central meridian
+lon_wrapCenter longitude to use for wrapping (see below)
+overAllow longitude output outside -180 to 180 range, disables wrapping
+pmAlternate prime meridian (typically a city name, see below)
+projProjection name
+unitsmeters, US survey feet, etc.
+vunitsvertical units.
+x_0False easting
+y_0False northing

See this page for a full list of proj projection names

An Example (PCG94)

As an example, let's create a proj4 string for the Landgate Perth Coastal Grid (PCG94) coordinate system (see https://www0.landgate.wa.gov.au/business-and-government/specialist-services/geodetic/project-grids for details). In this case, the data we have is

PerthGDA94 (PCG94)
Central meridian115°49'00"
Central scale factor0.99999906
False easting50 000.0
False northing3 800 000.0
Extent NW cornerS31°20'00"
Extent SE cornerS33°25'00"
Height limit165m

Using these values, and noting that these project grids are based on a Transverse Mercator projection, the proj4 string is

+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=115.8166666666667 +k=0.99999906 +x_0=50000 +y_0=3800000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m