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Using bookmarks to save a scene

Bookmarks can be used to save the 3D viewer state. Bookmarking the current view saves the current view state of the 3D viewer, including point cloud properties, window layout, and any vertical, horizontal or cross-section cropping that has been applied. Any dataset options (eg. disabling the Base map in georeferenced point clouds) will also be saved in the bookmarked view.

Creating a Bookmark

To create a bookmark navigate to the Bookmarks tab in the left panel. From there select Bookmark the current view. This will show the New Bookmark popup window where you can choose a name for the bookmark and optionally add a description. Bookmarks are automatically saved to the project when created and therefore available to anyone that views the project.

A list of all bookmarks for the point cloud can be viewed under the Bookmarks tab. A bookmark can be loaded into the 3D viewer by left clicking on it. You can delete a bookmark by clicking the x symbol next to the bookmark. A preview of a bookmark can be seen by hovering over it (this can be disabled in the bookmark properties).