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- Release Notes - 12th October 2022
Release Notes - 12th October 2022
Pointerra3D Core
- When creating a dataset that contains multiple 3D models, it is now possible to have each model display as a layer within the 3D model dataset. Layers are initially named based on the filenames. This can be useful for complex 3D models that have multiple parts that need to be shown/hidden individually (e.g. a building dataset containing separate 3D model files for floors, walls, etc).
- Tool dialogs now include a help tooltip (in top right on the dialog) to display keyboard and mouse shortcuts.
- Searching in the point clouds view now includes the collections in the search results (so you can find any collections matching the search text)
- Clipped pre-processing jobs now support boundary files in both geographic and native coordinates.
- Exposed the Strip align calibration log file for download for standard and merged pre-processing jobs
- Classification edit sessions created by poles and wires analytics can no longer be renamed as this causes downstream issues.
- The tree edit tool now has a checked option to allow editors to track which trees have already been checked/edited and to track editing progress.
- Merging of multi-user poles and wires edits are now more resilient to network and other potential issues that might result in a failed merge.
- Sag and clearance analytics processing has been reworked to generate results faster and ensure it can scale to very large datasets.
- The poles and wires analytics now has an option to provide an existing network (from a previous poles and wires analytic) to guide the new analytic. This can result in much better automatic detection of structures that may have required editing in the previous epoch.
Utility Explorer
- Filtering has been made significantly faster.
- The dataset selector drop down now includes a free-type search box to select a dataset.
- Change explorer now allows the use of non-change pole attributes when filtering poles.
- Change explorer reporting now includes additional attributes in the reports.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed layout issues with point cloud viewer page on iPads.
- Photo inspection mode wasn't working with some Pix4D projects.
- Terrain layers created from GDA2020-based coordinate systems could result in a crash.
- 3D models included in ungeoreferenced point cloud uploads would fail to import.
- Shape file outputs generated from tree analytics did not include supplementary (non-shp) files.
- The view context submenu would not display if the cursor was not picking a point cloud point.
- Editing the URL for an external dataset (e.g. WMS connector) would not save the update.
- Having some photos with partial EXIF information could cause the photo import to fail.
- Some document datasets did not correctly display the file size.