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Release Notes - 6th March 2024

New Features

Master Model workflow

Pointerra's Master Model workflow is a way to manage constantly changing/updating point cloud data. It allows you to selectively (using a set of polygon regions) merge new data into an existing point cloud (your master model). The result of the selective merge is that you only keep the most up-to-date points and mask out any old or obsolete data that you want to replace. The process of working with master models effectively creates a timeline of snapshots of the environment without having to rescan the entire project area. The current implementation is suitable for projects where a 2D (top-down) polygon mask is suitable for defining regions.

The Master Model feature is currently in beta testing. Please get in touch with our support or sales team to test with your own data. Additional help docs can be viewed on the help site.

New Analytics and Dataset UI

Refreshed the UI and workflows for creation of datasets. There is now additional information presented around the purpose and supported data/filetype for each dataset.

Separated analytics from other dataset types and made unavailable analytics discoverable.


Pointerra3D Core


Utility Explorer

Bug Fixes