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How do I update an existing share link to reference a new version of the point cloud?

There are currently two methods of updating an existing share link to another point cloud or project.

Method 1 - Changing the Project in the Sharing Page

  1. Navigate to the Sharing Page in the Accounts section of the Pointerra Portal.
  2. Select your share link.
  3. Then navigate further down the page where you can make adjustments to the share link and see the Project section.
  4. Type the name of the project and click Save changes.

Note: changing the target project will reset the default view point.

Method 2 - When Reprocessing a Job

  1. Follow the Reprocessing a point cloud job help article and make any necessary changes.
  2. In step 6 Job Options, tick the box to Update share links in the Project Migration section.
  3. When the job has been built the existing share link will point to the updated point cloud.