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Manual Correction Tool Guide - Vertical Offset

This tool is used for correcting vertical offset errors caused by inaccurate or relative EXIF GPS altitudes (common problem for DJI drones). This tool applies the same vertical offset to all photos and will not affect horizontal alignment. There are two ways to adjust the height of your data:

  1. Manually enter an offset value (in native coordinates)
  2. Automatically set from terrain height

To set the offset automatically:

  1. Click the "Set using terrain" button. This will display the preview 3D mesh.
  2. Click a ground point on the mesh. The terrain and satellite imagery base map will now be shown.
  3. Click a corresponding point on the base map/terrain, the offset will be set as the vertical distance between the two points you have selected.

Using a Vertical Offset with GCPs

If the preview mesh is already at roughly the correct height and you plan on using GCPs, the vertical offset tool can be skipped. However, if the preview mesh is clearly not at the correct altitude, you will need to adjust this first for the GCP tool to display relevant photos.

If you have already started using the GCP selection tool, editing the vertical offset may change which photos are shown for each GCP, but you will not lose any work.

See next: Manual Correction Tool Guide - Crop