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Job Review

Monitoring Processing status (Individual Mission Jobs)

At completion of upload processing will automatically trigger and undertake:

  1. Pending/Initializing - Unzip the uploaded data and retrieve the 'Sensor Configuration' parameters.
  2. GPS Proc. - GPS Processing of raw Trimble/Applanix airborne GPS files to generate a post-processed trajectory in the designated horizontal datum. If base station data is uploaded with the airborne GPS a 'Single base' solution will be undertaken. If no base station data is uploaded the Trimble PP-RTX service will be incorporated. Sensor Configuration antenna records and lever arm parameters are incorporated into the processing.
  3. LAS Conv. - Convert raw Riegl RXP or SDF files to LAZ 1.4 point format 6 utilizing the post-processed trajectory and the Sensor Configuration calibration parameters.
  4. Strip Align - run a rigorous alignment (boresite, X, Y, Z and High Frequency Drift) between all overlapping strips within the mission and export an updated set of LAZ files.
  5. QC Reports- generate QC maps for visual review prior to building a point cloud. 
  6. QC Pending - finalize all QC reports and populate them into the Job Review page for a User to complete QC prior to finalizing the Job.
  7. Complete - updates when the user selects either of "Mark as Complete" buttons at the bottom of the Job Review page.

Input Parameters

Records all inputs from the Upload page for QC.

Data Downloads

Processed trajectory files can be downloaded via the download links.

Both the real-time and post-processed KMLs are available for users to evaluate in differences between the raw and processed trajectory extents.

The LiDAR coverage boundary as a Geojson file can be downloaded.

Processing Logs

  1. GPS Processing - "Open Review Page" to review any intermediate gps processing logs (e.g. Extract log). This will load as a new browser page.
  2. Wavex Logs - select the link to load a new browser page containing the full processing log from the "LAS Conv." stage.
  3. Stripalign Logs - select the link to load a new browser page containing the full processing log from the "Strip Align" stage.

Quality Control Documents

The two main processing stages requiring 'Quality Control' produce a QC document available for viewing at the completion of processing.

  1. GPS Trajectory Report - selecting the link will load the full POSPac Diagnostic QC Report containing records of all inputs, lever-arm parameters, processing methods and accuracy plots.
  2. Stripalign Correction Stats - selecting the link will load the DXYZ correction statistics for all LAZ strips. This reports the Mean, Standard Deviation, RMS and Min/Max shifts between strips as well as the overall average.

Quality Control Map

The Quality Control maps provide the user with the ability to visually review the Pre-Processing data outputs prior to building the point cloud in the Pointerra format. The three views are available under the 'Quality Control Map' header and are overlayed on a 2D map. The views are:

  1. Boundary - of the LiDAR point cloud for project coverage checking. 
  2. DSM Image - generalized surface of the LiDAR point cloud useful for detecting high levels of erroneous noise points or data gaps.
  3. Diff Image - provides a visual indication of the strip alignment results from Stage 4.

Ready to go?

Follow the instructions to update the job status to complete using either the 'Mark QC Complete' or 'Mark QC Complete and build point cloud' depending on the next stage of your workflow. Both buttons contain tooltips to advise the user on selecting each option. Each button will:

  1. Mark QC Complete: this will update the Processing Status to Complete.
  2. Mark QC Complete and Generate Point Cloud: this will update the Processing Status to Complete and start a new job to build a point cloud for viewing in the Pointerra application.


Records all inputs, processing parameters and processing result records for the Job. These records can be used to debug any unexpected results from processing.

Monitoring Processing status (Merged Mission Jobs)

Review Pre-Shift Control Point Reporting

Review Post-Shift Control Point Adjustment