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Visiting from a Shared Link

Using Pointerra's 3D viewer for the first time? Here are some helpful pages for analyzing, editing and extracting data from the point cloud you were just shared:

Basic Viewer Functions

With so many different functions in the 3D viewer it can sometimes be overwhelming, for help with understanding basic navigation of the 3D viewer click here.

Taking Measurements

Taking measurements using the 3D measurement tool is extremely helpful to obtain accurate data quickly, for help with using this tool click here.

Creating POI's

Creating POI's are useful for focusing attention when dealing with large scale point clouds, for help with using this tool clicker here.

Using Scan View 

Some point clouds utilize scan view, which displays the perspective of a specific scanner as a 360 degree scan image. For more help using scan view, click here.

Exporting Data

Once you have received the share link for a point cloud, you may want to export and download this data, for help with doing this click here.

Other Uses of the Viewer

There so many different things that can be done in the viewer, for even more feature and tool guides click here.