Pointerra Support Center

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Supported Spatial Dataset formats

The following are the currently supported dataset formats that can by imported and added to a Point Clouds project.   We are constantly improving this functionality and adding support for more formats.  Please contact us by lodging a support request if you have other dataset formats you would like supported.


KML is the ideal format for importing 3D vectors, as our 3D viewer natively supports KML (points, lines, polygons, NOT Collada).  It will also honour any custom styling applied to features.

For large datasets, SHP is likely the best format, as its simple structure ensures that feature attributes are imported reliably for feature queries.

For ESRI GDB format files should be uploaded as a zip file in the form YOUR_FILENAME.gdb.zip

3D Models

Cesium 3D Tiles is the ideal format for importing 3D models as it supports Level-Of-Detail tiles for optimal online viewing.  It is recommended that the Cesium 3D Tiles be uploaded in a zip file (the file name must end with "tileset3d.zip". e.g. bim_tileset3d.zip). If you want to provide the original CAD files for download as well, other zip files may also be uploaded, these will be ignored during the import but will be available for download.

NOTE Cesium 3D Tiles are only supported with georeferenced point clouds. If you want to display a 3D model with an ungeoreferenced point cloud use either obj or ifc.

When uploading a 3D model in any of the other supported formats, we provide the option to optimze the 3D model for web streaming using the Cesium Ion service.  If your model is larger than a few megabytes, this is recommended to get the optimal viewing experience.

GIS Imagery

ECW will generally offer the best performance for very large raster imagery datasets.  Large datasets stored as GeoTIFF should be spatially tiled to enable reasonable performance.

360 Photos

Digital Elevation Model

Video Files